My IA: My brother in law- sister's husband. They've been married over 10 years. They live down south, so only come up to Ohio to visit our family once or twice a year. Often my sister, who I love dearly, will try to coincide with my trips back from the UK so we can see each other.
I don't just care for how he is as a person- neither does the rest of my family. We're cordial and everything. In fairness, sometimes he's perfectly fine. But
other many times, he's quite difficult to connect and talk to. He's the most intense, highly strung person I've met. Low tolerance and low patience for anything and everything. Plus, he has some odd ways of controlling my sister that she doesn't even see/would never acknowledge as they're practically attached at the hip....... it's sad.
This last visit over the weekend didn't go so well, and he frankly pissed us right off. He's not a kid person (been estranged for years from his kids from his first marriage, but that's a whole other can of worms), but was playing checkers with my 7 year old nephew (other sister's son). My nephew is a very fun little boy- he was laughing during the game, being cheeky, taking shortcuts while playing. Everything was fine. Then, something snapped in my BIL and he actually yelled and
cursed at him to play the game the "correct" way. WTH?? He's only 7. This is not some serious, world championship of checkers here. Jerk.
And yesterday, he was driving me, my parents, and my sister home from dinner. It was raining and the highway was very wet. For whatever reason, he was in one of his awkward, intense moods that day, and started taking it out on driving. He was going WAY too fast and following cars WAY too close in the pouring rain. Downright dangerous. My sister told him to slow down. He told her it's fine and he's being safe. My mom, who is all about keeping the peace and being (too) nice to people, gently mentioned that it's twice the stopping distance in wet weather. He snapped back "if someone else wants to drive home they're more than welcome to." Wow! Thank God he got the hint after that and slowed down.
I dunno....... this behavior is a red flag to me.

He's been like this every since I met him, but as I get older I realize it more. And I don't like it at all. Maybe at the ripe old age of 31 I just don't have tolerance for as**oles anymore.