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Topic: Inconvenient Annoyances  (Read 611691 times)

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Re: Inconvenient Annoyances
« Reply #8760 on: September 17, 2018, 09:23:10 AM »
Yep. I just don't want them in bed/in clothes, which is when you run the risk of defensive bites. If they are in the corners of a room they can stay. The gigantic ones do not stay in the corners though. Too busy looking for Ms Spidey. :(

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You're a lot nicer than I am. I don't even want them in the corners of their room. If I've seen it, it has to go. I don't care where or how, but it has to go.

My IA atm... I love music from pretty small independent labels that can be heavy on samples. I tend to expect that with the many tools available for cleaning up vocals and vinyl rips without degrading the quality there won't be pops and crackles in digital music. They just released a CD, and in the clip online there are pops and cracks in a remix. I don't know if I should say something, or just hope they would've heard them and for some odd reason decided they should stay for character? *sigh* I probably won't say anything, it's their label, but the track would sound much better without them! (it's not character adding when it's a pad/lead with crackles)

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I might assume it's intentional for some reason if they normally are good at cleaning up their tracks. Is there a forum or something where you can comment with your thoughts and see what other listeners are thinking about it?

Ha. We competed in the National Brass Band Championships this past week.
Brass Band sections go: Championship, First Section, Second Section, Third Section, Fourth Section.  We were a brand new band, so we have to start at the bottom, Fourth Section.  We won the Scottish Championships, so represented Scotland.  And we came dead last!!!
This means we are the worst of the top bands!  LOL!  :-X
We are only five years old, so we can't be too hard on ourselves, but we did not play to the best of our ability.
You get a draw on the day for the order you play in. And we got drawn to play 16th out 17 bands. Which means we played at 8:30 at night (after getting there for the draw at 1pm).  So we had a ton of waiting and waiting and waiting and we were just worn out by the time we took the stage. And then there were nerves galore. And we just got off track and that was that.

Oh well, because we won the Scottish and had enough points from the last few years, we get to actually move up to the third section.  So there's that.   :)

You do sound like you're being hard on yourselves because you were clearly good enough to make it to championships to even get a chance to place :) AND you moved up a level! Just gives you guys goals for what to work towards next competition time!
My, how time flies....

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Re: Inconvenient Annoyances
« Reply #8761 on: September 17, 2018, 09:35:50 AM »
Unsure if this is really an IA yet (and it's totally a mega first-world problem because I know I'm fortunate to have the opportunity and all that), but my mom forgot to mention to me that she wanted us all to go to Disney together. She had mentioned it in the past but one of my sisters was not into the idea at all and I thought it had moved to the past. Spoke with my mom yesterday when she called to speak to my husband for his birthday and she said "I've spoken with your sisters today about Disney for 2019 and if you guys are in agreement as well, we'll look to go there for October next year. We can discus when you're home at christmas and start looking at bookings then."

....Most people would view this as the "most magical place in the world" and not an IA at all....My sisters have children. My husband and I don't. Yes I would love to drink my way around the world via Epcot, but the idea of paying for all this magic while being surrounded by children running around is my nightmare. We wouldn't be paying for accommodation, at least that is what my mom has put on the table (but we don't like her paying for us all yet we also can't afford to stay directly in the park if we're paying ourselves) so that's not necessarily the big concern here. I have been to Disney exactly once as a child and I barely got to do rides but, from what I remember, I'm not sure I would find too much to enjoy as an adult with no children. I know a lot has changed since, but I also know the price to visit Disney and all the purchasing that entails has increased....and there's the fact that you have to wait AGES to all the rides so how many do you realistically even get to go on?

Again, I know most people would be jazzed and this is totally a non-issue...but I just feel guilty because I'm not super into the idea at present but I feel really bad telling my family I don't know if I want to go on this family holiday with them...at least not until I've done research to say positively that there won't be anything there for us.

She then asked if we'd fly back to Boston for a week after spending a week in Disney together...the compromise on that might be that we either don't fly back to Boston, we extend our holiday by going to Key West or taking a road trip around the South or maybe even we DO go to Boston but we leave Disney early and road trip our way back up. Lots to think of but just sort of had the news sprung on me and it's hard to find time to chat to my husband about it with all the house and holiday stuff happening.

Anybody been to Disney as an adult and can persuade or dissuade me?
My, how time flies....

* Married in the US and applied for first spousal visa August 2013
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Re: Inconvenient Annoyances
« Reply #8762 on: September 17, 2018, 10:14:07 AM »
Unsure if this is really an IA yet (and it's totally a mega first-world problem because I know I'm fortunate to have the opportunity and all that), but my mom forgot to mention to me that she wanted us all to go to Disney together. She had mentioned it in the past but one of my sisters was not into the idea at all and I thought it had moved to the past. Spoke with my mom yesterday when she called to speak to my husband for his birthday and she said "I've spoken with your sisters today about Disney for 2019 and if you guys are in agreement as well, we'll look to go there for October next year. We can discus when you're home at christmas and start looking at bookings then."

....Most people would view this as the "most magical place in the world" and not an IA at all....My sisters have children. My husband and I don't. Yes I would love to drink my way around the world via Epcot, but the idea of paying for all this magic while being surrounded by children running around is my nightmare. We wouldn't be paying for accommodation, at least that is what my mom has put on the table (but we don't like her paying for us all yet we also can't afford to stay directly in the park if we're paying ourselves) so that's not necessarily the big concern here. I have been to Disney exactly once as a child and I barely got to do rides but, from what I remember, I'm not sure I would find too much to enjoy as an adult with no children. I know a lot has changed since, but I also know the price to visit Disney and all the purchasing that entails has increased....and there's the fact that you have to wait AGES to all the rides so how many do you realistically even get to go on?

Again, I know most people would be jazzed and this is totally a non-issue...but I just feel guilty because I'm not super into the idea at present but I feel really bad telling my family I don't know if I want to go on this family holiday with them...at least not until I've done research to say positively that there won't be anything there for us.

She then asked if we'd fly back to Boston for a week after spending a week in Disney together...the compromise on that might be that we either don't fly back to Boston, we extend our holiday by going to Key West or taking a road trip around the South or maybe even we DO go to Boston but we leave Disney early and road trip our way back up. Lots to think of but just sort of had the news sprung on me and it's hard to find time to chat to my husband about it with all the house and holiday stuff happening.

Anybody been to Disney as an adult and can persuade or dissuade me?
I haven't, but it's one of the few inclusive vacations I'd be able to do! There are a lot of amazing restaurants in epcot. It's nice that your family includes you in the planning at least. Mine hasn't since I got sick, I'd find out about them on Facebook.

For the music, I've learned most people don't want criticism especially on a "finished" product. I'm acquaintances or friends with the artists and don't want to make anyone upset. I just hope someone closer to them that would be "heard" without feeling it was judgy says something.

And PB - live performance can be so tough especially after almost 8 hours of waiting! Congrats on making it up a level for next year :)

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Re: Inconvenient Annoyances
« Reply #8763 on: September 17, 2018, 10:19:54 AM »
Anybody been to Disney as an adult and can persuade or dissuade me?

No help at all, but I feel your pain.
I would (almost) rather DIE than go to Disney.

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Re: Inconvenient Annoyances
« Reply #8764 on: September 17, 2018, 10:22:41 AM »
I haven't, but it's one of the few inclusive vacations I'd be able to do! There are a lot of amazing restaurants in epcot. It's nice that your family includes you in the planning at least. Mine hasn't since I got sick, I'd find out about them on Facebook.

For the music, I've learned most people don't want criticism especially on a "finished" product. I'm acquaintances or friends with the artists and don't want to make anyone upset. I just hope someone closer to them that would be "heard" without feeling it was judgy says something.

And PB - live performance can be so tough especially after almost 8 hours of waiting! Congrats on making it up a level for next year :)

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My mom is verrrrry "keep things fair". She gives us all a set amount of money for presents so nobody seems favoured. She offers to help us ALL out on something or none of us. I honestly cannot complain. My parents are really great - especially with making sure everybody is included - but it DOES get really frustrating at times because she does try too hard to make sure we're all happy....and me and my siblings all have our differences in wants and preferences....so it can be really irritating when she tries to please everybody because you simply can't please everybody. It just draws out making choices to the point that you end up not even caring anymore! (I.E. picking a restaurant...she wants to make sure everybody enthusiastically wants to go to a particular place and that we know all of our options which ends up in us just being hangry and not caring anymore!)

With this holiday, she wants to take the kids to Disney (I fully support my parents in wanting to spend their money to make memories while they're here as they're only getting older and you can't take money with you when you die...I just feel bad when they want to do something quiteeee as expensive as a trip to Disney). In order to take the kids and their parents (my sisters and their husbands), they also feel they need to take me and my husband because - to my mom - it wouldn't be a family holiday if we didn't go to, despite the fact we aren't bringing kids to the table to enjoy it. And my mom is so giving and caring that I just feel too bad trying to tell her that it might not be our cup of tea...especially if it will cost loads even just in spending money and park tickets)...but then I could be wrong maybe?

ahhhh yeahh it can make it more difficult when you know them personally and could see them at some point. I think there's polite ways to give feedback for sure or just air your opinion, but then it still can be a bit awkward and difficult to navigate when you know them personally.

No help at all, but I feel your pain.
I would (almost) rather DIE than go to Disney.

This actually comforts me. I know people I went to school with that have an absolute obsession with Disney and this is like their dream holiday...and I'm very fortunate that my mom wants to treat us all to a lovely family holiday....but I am SO glad I'm not alone to think this could potentially be one of Dante's levels of hell...
My, how time flies....

* Married in the US and applied for first spousal visa August 2013
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Re: Inconvenient Annoyances
« Reply #8765 on: September 17, 2018, 10:27:43 AM »
Ha. We competed in the National Brass Band Championships this past week.
Brass Band sections go: Championship, First Section, Second Section, Third Section, Fourth Section.  We were a brand new band, so we have to start at the bottom, Fourth Section.  We won the Scottish Championships, so represented Scotland.  And we came dead last!!!
This means we are the worst of the top bands!  LOL!  :-X
We are only five years old, so we can't be too hard on ourselves, but we did not play to the best of our ability.
You get a draw on the day for the order you play in. And we got drawn to play 16th out 17 bands. Which means we played at 8:30 at night (after getting there for the draw at 1pm).  So we had a ton of waiting and waiting and waiting and we were just worn out by the time we took the stage. And then there were nerves galore. And we just got off track and that was that.

Oh well, because we won the Scottish and had enough points from the last few years, we get to actually move up to the third section.  So there's that.   :)

I'm sorry you guys aren't happy with your performance after all this build-up.  But still be proud of yourselves for getting there, and for accumulating enough points along the way to move up a level!  Well done!

Anybody been to Disney as an adult and can persuade or dissuade me?

I will preface this by saying that I grew up in central California, and my parents took me to Disneyland on an annual basis until we moved to Texas when I was 12, and I love Disneyland.  I like Disney World, too, because of the Monorail (well, the entire transportation system), and all of the resorts that are easily accessible, even if you're not staying in them.

Anyway.  In 2011, I was living in LA (Culver City), and my host, his brother, his sister-in-law, and I went to Disneyland.  It was my first time back to Disneyland since I was 12, and it felt so much like going home that I hope the others in my group didn't see me getting slightly nostalgic/emotional at the entrance.  We didn't have kids in our group.  Just us four adults.  We went on rides, we ate at the restaurant inside Pirates of the Caribbean (something I only did once as a child because my dad didn't buy food in parks... the Disney World one doesn't have the restaurant inside), we bought silly souvenirs... it was an amazing day!

For me, the Disney parks aren't necessarily about the rides (though I am a sucker for Big Thunder Mountain Railroad because it's the first roller coaster that I wasn't afraid of as a child, and so it'll always hold a special place in my heart).  It's about the attention to detail that they put into the entire environment.  And the Monorail.

I like train sets and miniature town models, too.  So consider that when you weigh my answer.  ;)
9/1/2013 - "fiancée" (marriage) visa issued
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Re: Inconvenient Annoyances
« Reply #8766 on: September 17, 2018, 10:31:13 AM »
XoD, I used to work at Disney and have been a million and one times as an adult.  I TOTALLY get that this does not excite you and that is 100% okay.  I can give you lots of ideas for you guys to go off and do your own thing some days so you would still get family time (meet up for dinner, etc).  But still have a fun trip yourselves.

You would freaking LOVE Universal.  Universal is for the 12+ crowd and very much for adults.  And October will be Halloween Horror Nights.

And remember, while I have kids.  I only like my kids - not other people's kids.  :P 

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Re: Inconvenient Annoyances
« Reply #8767 on: September 17, 2018, 10:33:38 AM »
Universal's Halloween Horror nights is ACE!
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Re: Inconvenient Annoyances
« Reply #8768 on: September 17, 2018, 10:35:06 AM »
No help at all, but I feel your pain.
I would (almost) rather DIE than go to Disney.

Yup! It was a long time ago now but the company which sponsored me for my US work visa took me to Disneyland during my first trip over. Let's just say, in all the time I lived there, I never once went back!  ;D

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Re: Inconvenient Annoyances
« Reply #8769 on: September 17, 2018, 10:36:32 AM »
Universal's Halloween Horror nights is ACE!

I loved Universal.  :) I had an annual pass and used to go on my own at the end of the day and got on the newest rides with a minimal wait!  ;D

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Re: Inconvenient Annoyances
« Reply #8770 on: September 17, 2018, 10:38:08 AM »

I will preface this by saying that I grew up in central California, and my parents took me to Disneyland on an annual basis until we moved to Texas when I was 12, and I love Disneyland.  I like Disney World, too, because of the Monorail (well, the entire transportation system), and all of the resorts that are easily accessible, even if you're not staying in them.

Anyway.  In 2011, I was living in LA (Culver City), and my host, his brother, his sister-in-law, and I went to Disneyland.  It was my first time back to Disneyland since I was 12, and it felt so much like going home that I hope the others in my group didn't see me getting slightly nostalgic/emotional at the entrance.  We didn't have kids in our group.  Just us four adults.  We went on rides, we ate at the restaurant inside Pirates of the Caribbean (something I only did once as a child because my dad didn't buy food in parks... the Disney World one doesn't have the restaurant inside), we bought silly souvenirs... it was an amazing day!

For me, the Disney parks aren't necessarily about the rides (though I am a sucker for Big Thunder Mountain Railroad because it's the first roller coaster that I wasn't afraid of as a child, and so it'll always hold a special place in my heart).  It's about the attention to detail that they put into the entire environment.  And the Monorail.

I like train sets and miniature town models, too.  So consider that when you weigh my answer.  ;)

Do you think your nostalgia weighs heavily into your enjoyment though? I don't have any nostalgia of going to Disneyworld. As mentioned, I only went once and the only remember going on rides for younger kids as my parents wouldn't let me go on roller coasters alone (and they don't do roller coasters) and I remember the parade once. I have a few other positive memories, but nothing that makes me feel nostalgic to go back or anything.

XoD, I used to work at Disney and have been a million and one times as an adult.  I TOTALLY get that this does not excite you and that is 100% okay.  I can give you lots of ideas for you guys to go off and do your own thing some days so you would still get family time (meet up for dinner, etc).  But still have a fun trip yourselves.

You would freaking LOVE Universal.  Universal is for the 12+ crowd and very much for adults.  And October will be Halloween Horror Nights.

And remember, while I have kids.  I only like my kids - not other people's kids.  :P 

Yeah I might definitely need to tap into you for a resource here haha. Rik and I need to have a chat and let my mom know our thoughts, it's just so hard to find time to have a lengthier discussion or time to do the research together because of all the house and holiday stuff.

Universal's Halloween Horror nights is ACE!

Yeaaaahh I told him Universal would definitely probably be more up our alley...and I do love Halloween! haha ......thoughhhh I HATE haunted houses. My reflex would probably be to punch somebody if they jumped out at me into my face! And then I would feel SOO bad.
My, how time flies....

* Married in the US and applied for first spousal visa August 2013
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Re: Inconvenient Annoyances
« Reply #8771 on: September 17, 2018, 10:43:56 AM »
Yeaaaahh I told him Universal would definitely probably be more up our alley...and I do love Halloween! haha ......thoughhhh I HATE haunted houses. My reflex would probably be to punch somebody if they jumped out at me into my face! And then I would feel SOO bad.

I used to go to Halloween Horror Nights every year... until I realised - I could say no!  I do NOT like people jumping out at me.  Life is so much better now that I don't go to HHN!  ;D

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Re: Inconvenient Annoyances
« Reply #8772 on: September 17, 2018, 10:47:16 AM »
I used to go to Halloween Horror Nights every year... until I realised - I could say no!  I do NOT like people jumping out at me.  Life is so much better now that I don't go to HHN!  ;D

I don't mind scary sh*t from a distance (and by distance I just mean not directly in my face/following me around)....
My, how time flies....

* Married in the US and applied for first spousal visa August 2013
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Re: Inconvenient Annoyances
« Reply #8773 on: September 17, 2018, 10:47:43 AM »
Do you think your nostalgia weighs heavily into your enjoyment though? I don't have any nostalgia of going to Disneyworld. As mentioned, I only went once and the only remember going on rides for younger kids as my parents wouldn't let me go on roller coasters alone (and they don't do roller coasters) and I remember the parade once. I have a few other positive memories, but nothing that makes me feel nostalgic to go back or anything.

Absolutely 100%.  It is almost pure nostalgia.  That's why I like Disneyland better than Disney World, even though Disney World has so much more.  Disneyland, to me, is the "true" one, and Disney World is the too-commercialized copy.  But I do still love the Monorail, and the system at Disney World is actually a functional and necessary transportation system, while the one at Disneyland only goes to the hotel (and maybe California Adventure, now...?)
9/1/2013 - "fiancée" (marriage) visa issued
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Re: Inconvenient Annoyances
« Reply #8774 on: September 17, 2018, 10:52:16 AM »
Disneyland, I've never been.  But, one of my friends (42 years old) plays trombone in the bands in Disneyland and he absolutely loves it.  The musicians are top notch. Incredible that he has so much energy to keep up with the young'uns.  And he's got a  'Dole Whip'  obsession. 
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