20 Mule Team Borax (Borax Sodium Tetranitrate Decahydrate ) sprinkled liberally on the carpet. Let sit overnight.
Thoroughly vacuum all hard surfaces, pay special attention to anywhere kitty likes to go (windowsills, etc.)
Vacuum carpet the next day. Be sure to empty/toss the bag if there is a disposable vacuum bag (otherwise, wash out the inside of the collection thingy with screaming hot water, if it's one of the machines with a plastic bin where the dirt goes. Don't forget to wash the filter.).
3 days later, vacuum again. Discard bag.
3 days later, vacuum again. Discard bag.
Wipe down all surfaces kitty may sit, every few days, as the flea eggs can fall off and hatch there.
If kitty has a bed, wash it in hot water at least weekly - there will be flea eggs in there. If kitty has fleas, they've probably made it to your bedding as well. Wash in hot water. Do what you can to vaccuum the furniture.
A flea can hitch-hike into your home on your jeans if you've walked through grass where one was waiting. That's kinda all it takes. Once the little bastard is in the house and finds the cat, it bites, drinks, and starts laying eggs like mad.
Kitty will forgive you the anti-flea drops, and will be a happier kitty for not being bitten constantly. If it were me I'd buy a flea comb and comb kitty daily, paying extra attention to around the ears, the base of the tail, and under the chin - that's where we used to find them the most on our kitties. You just have to keep combing, keep vaccuuming, and keep wiping until you don't see them any longer. It can take some time.
I don't envy you all that. Ick!