Yeah, it can be tough to find a good massage person. The Daughter went to one nearby a few months ago who was, for all intents, an idiot. Was telling her that her back pain was because her body was "too acidic" or some such nonsense. The kid should have gotten a medal for not saying what she was thinking - until she got home, that is!

[There used to be a cartoon show on TV in the States a few years back, called "Daria". If you are familiar with that, whoever wrote it must have been following the Daughter around all day writing down what she said. They've got her down to a "t".]
Fortunately (at least I think it is going to be fortunately) I tried a new massage person yesterday. Pamela. I have some lumbar disc issues. One blew out about 8 years ago and shot a chunk-o-disc onto the nerve root that goes down my right leg, where it stayed and decayed/was reabsorbed. So that leg was cramped up in one ginormous charleyhorse from toes to butt for several months. Absolutely not fun at all. Over the years accupuncture and massage has gotten it calmed down, but to this day I still have problems with it. Over time the muscles will start to tighten up (regardless of what I do) and eventually the nasty nerve pain that I had initially comes back. To make it stop I have to have a really good massage (as in painful, but deep massage) of that leg from toes on up, to reset the systems, as it were. Then I'm usually good for a while. And over the years the length of time between resets has been extending, so I'm happy about that.
So, Pamela on her first try yesterday did her best. She was very thorough. I'm on naproxen today and wincing a lot, with a few strategically placed hot-patches stuck on, and as sore as if I'd been beaten, but I think she did the job. The nerve pain is noticably absent, too.

So yeah, finding a good massage person can be a real godsend, for sure. And it's so much better than having to keep taking medications. The quacks are all over the place, but once you find a really talented/well-trained one, they are like gold.