Ah, yeah, a personal phone should have generous data. It's the corporate contracts that suuuuuuuuuuuck.
Nan, tethering is when you use your mobile phone to connect to the internet through another device. So Tori's laptop's internet connection is running through her phone.
Ah. So rather than hooking into the wireless computer network she hooks into the wireless telephone network. Basically, kinda, dial-up without the wires and modem.... If the cable network (say, Sky, that has your tv and your internet and your phone service on it) goes down I assume you can still get online via the local cellphone network, as long as the towers are up and running? Handy, that, for when the internet goes out! I gather it's expensive to do?
I still miss actual landlines, though. The copper cable that ran right up to the phone that you could use even if the electric was out....