My IA for today.....
Back in June I was having some problems(ongoing) with one of my eyes.....extremely red and painful. I went to the GP, who said they couldn’t do anything and said go to an optometrist, who said I needed to see an ophthalmologist but referred me back to my GP. Finally managed to get into the hospital, where they had to do emergency laser surgery to relieve pressure in my eye. I had several follow up visits and all looked really good. Jump forward to yesterday and my eye is again red and painful....the doctor had said that the laser surgery hole could possibly heal over. Now I can’t get the hospital to schedule anything.....GP says see the optometrist.....HERE WE GO AGAIN!!! Can’t anybody take some responsibility?! The hospital and GP had my previous medical treatment records and knew the situation, but sorry....they can’t do anything. GRRRRRRRRRRRR
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