My husband was recently diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis, he also has Crohn's and possibly MS... He finally got the neurologist appointment for January. He was supposed to have gotten a letter to get it last March...
He can't start any medication until they decide if he has MS or not. I'm freaking out a bit...
A lot of the more powerful meds (anti tnf biologics) can cause or worsen MS. If he hasn't got MS then that's probably their first port of call. Active AS is incredibly painful really debilitating and, coupled with IBD makes for a nasty combination.
The biologics really worked for me with AS. I haven't had so much luck with UC so far but it's early days for Humira. I was on Simponi for years but actually developed UC on it. I used to get regular bouts of UV too and was frequently at the eye clinic. Luckily, biologics put a stop to UV too.
People get v scared of biologics unnecessarily. They're amazing drugs and very powerful. We're very privileged in being able to have them in the UK under the NHS as they cost thousands per injection. There is a small personal cost in that you catch every disease known to man. This is why i am not a fan of kids and avoid them at all costs!
My next step with UC is Remicade infusions if Humira fails. After that it's surgery time for colon removal. At least I have that option with UC. I genuinely feel for the Crohnies. Have a look at the Crohns and Colitis UK Facebook forum. Amongst the occasional bickering and toilet bowl photos, it can be quite useful. Best of luck.
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