Seems I'm having 'one of those days' today

Last night was my first shift back at work after Christmas, and it was a night shift. I didn't sleep that well afterwards this morning, and so woke up with a massive headache. However, I had a ton of errands to run today, so I dragged myself out of bed and went into town.
First stop was my GP surgery because for some reason my online appointment booking password had stopped working. I asked the receptionist if she could find out what was going on and she told me I'd been unregistered from the surgery on October 17th! Only reason I can think of for why it happened is because I was in the Falklands - and we fill out RAF health centre forms there... however, a) we specifically request that are records are not transferred, b) I successfully requested a repeat prescription in early October and c) I had a GP appointment booked for 17th October (which I cancelled because I managed to request my repeat prescription online)!
So, I had to take away new registration forms, go back home, fill them out and grab some proof of address, so I could re-register.... and now I can't make an appointment until the registration has gone through, but I'm leaving the UK again in 4 weeks and need to get a prescription refill (for which I need an annual review)

All of that then made me about an hour late for doing everything else, which meant the Post Office had closed before I could pick up a parcel I ordered last week (which was one of the main reasons I was going into town!).