One of the reasons I hate this country is because of the extremism- there is very little rational, considerate or tolerant debate. The media just spreads the violent, bigotry crap with no remorse. Politicians arent even held accountable for what they say, let alone what they do. This kind of violence is not just tolerated but accepted. Im sure it will just turn into a big finger pointing game.
My husband is always shaking his head about this kind of thing- that there is no way a politician could express such blatant violent personal opinions and still be in office in the UK. Here its a race to see who can be the most radical. And the filth that spreads like wildfire- things like the 'Ground Zero Mosque' and the 'Government Takeover' and that the president is a 'closeted islamic terrorist'. This stuff spreads and spreads.
Like senator Lynn Jenkins who made comments about finding the 'great white hope' with no understanding of its racist context, and told a 24 year old waitress and her uninsured 2 year old who asked why she was opposing health care reform to 'go be a grown up'. Palin defending her daughter callling other kids at school 'faggot'... and then they 'wonder' why younger adults are so desensitized to violence when they are subjected to bullying and abuse from a very early age.
The shooter is only 22 years old...If this guy really has such bad mental issues- why was he allowed to legally buy a gun? Why didnt he have professional help? One article even blamed marijuana- Im sorry but the pot heads I know dont go murder innocent people outside of a grocery store- they just go buy sweets and crisps.
Its horrid. I just dont get it... shooting a 9 year old girl? One of the men killed was shot in the head trying to protect his wife (who had been injured but will survive).