Be very careful that you follow the guidance exactly and provide evidence that the 401k is instantly accessible. iirc we've had someone tripped up by that before.
7.4.4. For example, in the UK a ‘stocks and shares’ Individual Savings Account (ISA) does meet the definition of a savings account and the funds can be considered as cash savings if all the requirements above are met. Likewise, a pension savings account from which savings can be immediately withdrawn.
So OK. I've been slightly worried about this the whole time, just because something like "instantly accessible" and "immediately withdrawn" are open to some subjective determinations. To me, those terms would be something like a regular checking or savings account, where if I need $200 in cash, I can go to the nearest ATM and get it. A 401(k) isn't like that, obviously. I contacted the provider, and here's some snippets of what they sent me...
You can also request an electronic bank transfer (EBT) and have the money sent to that account within two to three business days.
Is this considered immediately available enough? There are penalties that would be incurred by leaving the plan, but that's fine, I've known that all along; it is what it is in that regard.
If you need a letter regarding your employer-sponsored plan, please send us a specific request via another secure email or call the number provided below.
This, really, has been my biggest worry about the whole 401(k) aspect - proving that the money is fully vested, that I can exit the plan and get my money whenever I want, and that it would be "instantly accessible" enough to satisfy the powers that be. This letter would lay everything out and clear up any doubts about it.
So I'm going to contact them again and request this letter. What should I ask them to include? Some things I've thought of are the fully vested balance when we started the 6 months clock of having the finances (which was April 7th); the fully vested balance when the 6 month clock ended (October 7th); the statement I cut and pasted above stating that the money would be a 2-3 day transfer into my account; and what else? Should I ask whoever authors the letter to provide a "wet signature"? For it to be on company letterhead? I really would hate to come all this way and have THIS be what comes back to bite us.
Anything else I need? I received a statement that I requested, that shows beginning balance, contributions, account growth, and ending balance for the 6 month period. I had them go from April 3 through October 12th, just so I was ensured that 4/7-10/7 range was included. Anything else I should do?