I will, especially in the summer, make several "big" meals that can be microwaved later, or eaten cold.
Lasagna (minimal noodles, homemade cheese, added layer of veggies or very lean mince) with a big salad is relatively healthy, in the grand scheme.
A large pot of chili (made with stew meat, not mince) can serve as the base for burritos, with added sliced peppers, onions, and cilantro at the last minute.
Chicken curry. A small amount of chicken curry, with a lot of sauce on brown rice, served with a side salad. Again, healthy, and it keeps. It actually freezes well, too. Small amount in a freezer bag comes in handy for a meal when "Mom doesn't feel like cooking." Make a big batch, then freeze it in smaller portions.
Chicken fajitas - cast iron frying pan the chicken so you get a little char on it and it can be divvied up into bags to add to tortillas later on. If you cook the peppers and onions separately, until they are not quite done, and then pull them off and flash cool them, you can have bags of them in the freezer as well. Bring it all out, heat it up in the microwave, slap it on a tortilla - maybe with a little grated cheddar - instant meal.