Oh yes, indeedy! The last few weeks were insane. I had wanted to get everything wrapped up so that we only had social and "last time to visit" time for that last week, but things didn't go to plan so I was putting in full days at work and then hauling furniture downstairs for pickup, and cleaning the apartment, until the day before we left. I never did get it all cleaned as I'd wanted, because I had pushed so hard that I caught what may have been a bit of the flu. Flew over to the UK sick as a dog, spent a couple of days recuperating in the hotel, and then very slowly (as in it took a couple of months) got back up to speed. Fortunately I'd been corresponding with the entity that owns our flats prior to traveling, so I had housing, hypothetically, lined up. So, we got in on a Sunday. Monday was a bank holiday. Tuesday and Wednesday we looked at flats. Thursday we signed the lease and went to Ikea to purchase furniture (the basics), furniture was delivered Saturday, and Sunday we moved in.
I did a LOT of sleeping the first couple of weeks. But what I do remember was that we were both really happy, the Daughter was looking forward to getting in touch with her old friends, and that the food here (in the grocery store) is spectacularly good.
We've been here over a year now, and I think the thing that got me through the time before the move was lists. I had checklists and was as faithful to them as I could be. There was no time to worry, as I had plenty to do. Once you get here, as someone else said, going from like 100mph down to 5mph is kind of a jolt. But after only a short while you'll get used to it and it's really pleasant to NOT have lists, pressure, worry, and hurry!