Thank you for the reply. Are you sure though about that point? I believe I was advised otherwise on this forum before and also by our solicitor in the UK.
If the documents are needed to count towards the 6 months, then, yes, they must be dated before the application is submitted. Because you have to show at least 6 FULL months of payslips and bank statements dated no later than the online application date.
You really need to have all the documents all ready to be submitted BEFORE you apply online.
In regards to the payslips and bank statements, if you submit the application tomorrow, on November 29th, you cannot count November's pay towards the financial requirement. However, you also cannot use the October payslip as the last one, because it will be dated more than 28 days before November 29th (it'll be dated October 30th) which will not meet the requirements.
So, you will not be able to apply online until AT LEAST December 1st, in order to make sure you have the latest payslip and bank statement dated within 28 days.
This means you will need:
- November 30th payslip
- November 26th bank statement AND a partial bank statement dated on or after November 30th, showing the November payslip deposit.
In total, that means you will need the following payslips and bank statements, for the 6-month period from May 31st to November 30th:
1. May 30th
2. June 30th
3. July 30th
4. Aug 30th
5. Sep 30th
6. Oct 30th
7. Nov 30th
Bank statements
1. May 27 -June 26th (showing transactions from May 27th-June26th)... it must explicitly cover the May payslip deposit
2. June 27 -July 26th
3. July 27 - Aug 26th
4. Aug 27 - Sept 26th
5. Sept 27 - Oct 26th
6. Oct 27 - Nov 26th
7. partial statement printed by the bank covering Nov 27-Nov 30th (or to present date if printed after Nov 30th) and showing the Nov payslip deposit