I've been watching all of his press briefings lately. The tone changed in them this week. Last night's was shocking. You should catch Tuesday's and last night's, if you have time. They're on Youtube.... I watch the live-stream, but the replay video should be retained.
Monday's was a lengthy advertising bloc and Trump praise fest. It was disgusting. But Tuesday's was utterly sobering as the Administration finally admitted to the American people that the pandemic was real and serious and a lot of people are going to die. And last night's...? Well...? It was bizarre and a bit shocking, even for Trump.
Although I still keep up with what's going on in America, I don't watch the news out of Washington. I read it, but I don't watch it, because it's so much worse hearing Trump's stupid voice blathering on and lying about whatever he wants to be true, and listening to people having to kiss his ass because they're just as bad as he is, or out of fear of losing their jobs.
Whenever Trump does something particularly stupid or outrageous, there's a sizable contingent of my British friends and in-laws who always ask me what I think about whatever stupid thing he's said or done. They're always surprised when I say I haven't seen the video of whatever they're talking about. It's just too embarrassing that such a stupid person convinced such a large number of people that he'd do a good job running the country.