There are some truly amazing health care systems out there though. Germany, France, Japan, Sweden spring to mind! These are some good models to go after.
New Zealand’s healthcare is also a tax funded healthcare system but like Australia, they protect their healthcare service for their citizens.
To get a visa, the applicant must prove they have acceptable standards of health -
"acceptable standards of health", an immigration policy that considers whether a person would cost the nation's special education or healthcare systems more than $41,000. // That's NS$ and is about US$ 23,400 also protect their healthcare systems from immigrants who might be costly for their healthcare system in the future: like Australia, I think they also have an age limit for a visa. New Zealand also decided not to allow fat people to have a visa anymore. after being declared they have an acceptable standard of health, some visas don’t give access/full access to their healthcare system.
Those not on a work visa, need to pay. has an insurance based healthcare system and it is law in Germany that everybody must have health insurance.
They higher earners and civil servants buy private insurance. It is law in Germany that insurers cannot exclude those with existing conditions, but the insurers can charge these people more.
Those on the state funded insurance pay a percentage of their income and this percentage is decided and changed by the government. These will also likely want private insurance too, e.g. if they have used up their allowance under state funded insurance.
Those who are employed, share the cost of their health insurance with their employer. The rest have to pay all of their health insurance e.g. the self employed, those who are retired.
ATM, the German government allows the health insurance of one person in work, to cover their unemployed spouse and children too, but apparently there is legislation going through.
You can choose which doctor you want, but as these get paid more from those with private insurance, those with private insurance can likely get appointments quicker than those on the state insurance.
France has a good healthcare system but it is expensive to run. The co-payments can also be very costly.