Hey all! Good to hear people are getting settled. My wife and I had a hell of a time getting home from Gatwick with so much stuff. Would have been easier to just hire a cab, but we were trying to save some money . . . instead we just really messed up our backs!
We eventually made it home to a temporary home for the next week. It is very close to our actuall home, but the place is not available until next Friday. We are living in a LOVELY area right on Victoria Park. Can't wait to move in!
School registration is on the 26th of September . . . I am pretty anxious to get started. Besides moving, we have a lot of downtime, so I have been doing a little bit of reading to get my head back into it. Not quite acclimated yet, and the partying we have been doing with our friends here has not helped, oh well, I have plenty of time to get there.
Good luck everyone!