Thank you for the caring post
Believe me when I say I know what your saying...I think about complications daily and go back and forth with weighing up the options of should I or shouldn't I. I went and spoke to my GP about everything and put forth my concerns of all the kinds of complications that could arise. She said even tho I am over weight she said I am quite healthy *at the moment*, but that I won't stay this way for much longer. I will and am starting to get the complications of being overweight. I have sleep apnea already and soon I will get diabetes, my mother has it now. I don't want to live my life this way.
I am having a ECG done and blood work up done before I go. The ECG is more for my piece of mind concerning my heart.
The death rate from this type of surgery is 0.05% or this is what the stats that I have been given is. But there are alot of different rates I have seen.
I have researched my surgeon well, he is on loads of different boards regarding Bariatrics in Belgium. He does about 50 of these surgeries a week and as far as I have seen he hasn't lost a patient! The hospital in Brugge has just built a new state of the art bariatrics ward just for him, due to the volume of patients he is bringing in. On the weight loss forum I have joined I have questioned about 10 of his past patients and they are very happy with the service and care they received from him, and have lost LOADS of weight. There was a option of 2 surgeons in Belgium and after asking around figured this one was the best.
David was very apprehensive of me having this done but once we went and spoke to my GP and she was all for it and will stand behind me he is OK with it now.
The dumping syndrome, unfortunately is a common side affect of this type of surgery. Just means I will have to find out what triggers it and not eat it. Mainly it is refined sugar that is the trigger and that is something I shouldn't have anyways......
Besides I gotta lose weight if I am coming to New England, I wouldn't want to come if I couldn't SHOP!!!!!!!DUH!!!