I thought Austin had the best male voice in the competition, and I really liked his last song, while I hated Rachel's last song... didn't understand why they saved her over him. I guess it's because they feel sorry for her or something. I think he had more of a star quality than she does, but hey, who wants my opinion??!!
I'm sure none of us are actually voting, are we?
Eoghann is cute and appeals to young girls and moms, and I am sure that is why he is still in.
I like Diana's voice a lot, though Blondie isn't disco, and I thought that WAS cheating a bit, but she did better with the hand thing. I wish she would move a bit more rather than sit there the whole time.
I actually think Alexandra is one of the best, and I love Ruth as well. Both of them work really hard, put on great performances, and have a great attitude. I love Laura, as well, but she does need to spice it up a bit to stay in.
I think JLS is a bit overrated, but they did do a great job this week.