OK ladies! Please vote for the name you like the best
Also, books. So far we have 7 nominations.
1)To The Lighthouse - Virginia Woolf
2)Far From the Madding Crowd - Thomas Hardy
3)Taste: The Story of Britain Through Its Cooking, by Kate Colquhoun (non-fiction, 2007)
4) Zoology, by Ben Dolnick (fiction, 2007)
5) The Power & the Glory, by Graham Greene (fiction, 1939 - introduction by John Updike)
6) Any book by a Bronte, particularly Anne
7)A Far-Off Place by Laurens can der Post (my suggestion)
The day of the meeting is also the same day as the Leeds Christkindelmarkt. Is this alright with everyone?
I am thinking to meet up at the market around 5:30 or 6 and spend about an hour there and then head on to the book club meeting.
As for the ordering of the books-Would you like to continue to make recommendations every meeting OR would you like to take these books and order them so that we know what we are reading the next couple of months?