Hmmm, I am trying that site out, WebyJ. It looks like it's a bit like Fitday modified to the UK, but I like some of the options. For instance "unbranded search" allows you to avoid the annoyance of searching for "apple" and getting 1000 processed foods before "apples, raw".
Other than the advice that is pants if you're not following a diet relatively low in fat, it seems like a good resource. But I am not seeing any micro-nutrient data. Am I missing it?
As for me, I am back on my diet after taking a few days off for my birthday. Slowly, but surely losing again. I was considering using some sort of calorie and carb tracker, but I always get annoyed by them (and Sparkpeople annoys me even before I start tracking my calories. No I don't want to use your site to do web searches nor do I want to spin the log in wheel, thank you). We have a fairly decent one on the low carb board I visit, but it has that branded search problem. Plus, it's public, so if I am having a bad day, potentially ANYONE knows that I ate that Galaxy bar, unless I don't fess up. And to me, that defeats the purpose.