Update (I think) on the boiler/FIL issue:
- The boiler went out Thursday night/Friday morning.
- DH and I decided to let it run it's course - we didn't mention it to anyone. FIL doesn't do anything about stuff we do mention to him, so we decided to stay out of this one.
- I think a guy came to look at the boiler Friday afternoon. I wasn't downstairs, but no one else comes over, so I'm guessing the guy that was here for 10 minutes was here for the boiler.
- I briefly saw FIL (not even visual contact, just in the same general area and I said hi) Friday night. He didn't mention anything to me.
- Saturday evening FIL mentioned to DH that a guy was getting a part to repair the boiler and was supposed to call him back Saturday afternoon, but hadn't. DH suggested FIL call the guy. FIL said no.

- No update Sunday (FIL had the whole day off).
- No update so far today.
That's 4 days with no hot water. Well, 4 days and counting.

There are two showers in the house. One is a bath shower (a normal one that I use). The other is an electric shower in a shower stall (FIL, grand-FIL and DH use that). So we can take hot showers. But.... I don't like those electric showers. I'm sure they're safe, but I'm worried I'll get electrocuted.

This morning I washed my hair over the tub with cold water. FIY - shampoo bars don't lather in cold water.

At least it's not the middle of winter. The house would be pretty cold if there was no heating.

I'm going to guess that a fix is only going to be a temporary fix and the whole thing will need to be replaced soon anyway.
Oh, and today I bought a carbon monoxide detector.

DH said it will probably just be removed, but I plan on writing my name on masking tape and labelling the detector as mine. Hopefully that makes it stay in its place (FIL and grand-FIL have more respect/fear of me than of DH
