Total non-sequitur:
Darn it, Tesco substituted products on me again! I ordered a dozen cans of a specific soup. Because that's the soup we wanted. Did not click the "ok to substitute" button. Because we didn't want a substitute if it wasn't available. Now sitting here with 3 cans of the correct item and 9 of something we actually don't care for. I only very rarely will check the "ok to substitute" and add a notation to an order. NEVER with name-brand stuff, though.
Sigh. I like Tesco delivery. They only screw something up about once a month, which is way better than Sainsburys, who just decides to not deliver anything without telling me they're not coming - or tells us the day AFTER they have not delivered that they are not coming. And they are cheaper than Waitrose.
But darn it, I really wish they'd read. I would not want to be a grocery "picker" - the Daughter had a friend who was one, for a while, in the States and they are timed as to how much they get done. But really. Just read the form, peoples!!!! They always make good on the goof-ups when I email them about it. But really. Just read the order and do what it says. Do not improvise. Do not pass "Go". Do not collect...