Our local train station parking lot is nearly always full by 8:30am, and the next closest public parking is about 10 minutes from the station by foot. Also, the parking spaces are very narrow, all of which makes parking there more of a chore than it would otherwise be. Yesterday I had to squeeze into a space next to a car that had parked with its driver's side wheels on the white line separating their parking space from mine. Both of us had parked nose out, so this meant even though I was positioned in the middle of my space my passenger side was very close to their driver's side.
When I got back in the evening the badly parked car was gone, but there was a note on my car chastising me for not leaving them enough room to get into their car. What did this person think was going to happen when they left their car parked way over on one side of a parking space in a lot that completely fills up every day? That other people who need to use the lot were just going to leave a space empty as a courtesy for someone who couldn't bother to center their car in their own parking space? Their selfishness and lack of self awareness tests my faith in humanity.