I guess that's where we differ. I don't see good grammar as being something that's age-specific. I have friends from all ages from 20 to 80 and they speak properly.
I actually don't think it's an age thing either although I am convinced we do differ, rather I agree with the statement someone said to me rather succinctly earlier "
Good grammar might not be age specific, but pedantry simply for pedantry's sake & a lack of flexibility to new & fresh ways of doing things is rarely a trait of a young person" .
I was considering that maybe I don't get any judgement on my patois because of the age of people I associate with, or maybe it's the type of people. I believe it's mostly the latter as I choose who I surround myself with; our 50+ year old CFO can "oh my *squee*" with the best of us.
Frankly if someone wants to judge me as less educated or lower class because of the way I speak they are welcome to, I am not ashamed of those things. I grew up poor and dragged myself up in difficult circumstances. Yes I have a bit of a south coast accent but it didn't stop me gaining a first degree from a top university, a BAFTA nomination (x4) or being a company director of a multi million pound company by the time I was 28, so I hardly think people judging me by my use of AMAZE, is holding me back
I haz totes awesome life innit
In addition, I could point out that you're judging their speech by your definition of "properly", which does not match mine and the whole argument is that language is an expression filled evolution, infinitely flexible. The definition of "nice" being one which has changed unrecognisably over time or the introduction of words that are commonplace to my generation like "ollie (1979)" or "biodiesel (1986)" that didn't even exist to yours or my grandparents generation shows the flexibility of language.
To say that this use of language is "wrong" because you find these new words or way of speaking "distasteful" due to them deviating from the established doesn't make them less valid, I could go on but instead I'll get off your lawn
As an aside - I would also state that acting on judgement of people due to regional accents is personally abhorrent to me and could be considered discriminatory in a hiring/HR situation. You should watch this video for more information - Call Me Maybe - Geordie Cover (Call Me Da'lin)