My List would look like it does below. Sure you can get some of these in the states, but I never had them till I came here.:
Love: Bramston Pickle
Black Pudding (only from certain places)
Tea (i hated tea until I came here)
Malt Loaf
Mushy Peas (with or without mint sauce)
Ham and Cheese Bake from Greggs

Sweetcorn in Everything (love it on Pizza!!! Love it in Tunafish!!!)
Sweetcorn relish
brown sauce
Can't Stand/Will most assuredly be disappointed:Chinese Food (with one exception)
Steak (I love steak - and every steakhouse has let me down but one)
Ice Cream
"Butter" on $@*$!#% EVERYTHING - even Tuna fish sandwiches! ::GAG::
Warm Beer. Sorry. no can do. its why i stick with cider