It is torture... not being able to hug the people that you love... for two whole years!
Such torture... It is emotional solitary confinement.
Life is about 'the people you love' for me, and nothing else, and I love my husband soooo much, but no single person can replace everyone else you love on the entire planet.
If I had had ANY idea that I was not going to be able to afford to go back home for two years, I never, ever, ever would have come to the UK.
I would have forced his butt to move to NYC!!! And, I still might do that... This trip is a bit of a test.
I assumed I would be able to get a normal job out here, WITH A NORMAL WAGE, just like I always had, and that I would be back in 6 months, to visit.

We are going over there with 'moving back' in mind as a possibility. I could get really well paid work there really easily, and so could he, because of the people I know.
I'm taking him out to the Hamptons for a weekend to my friends family summer home, on a sail boat around NYC, which is owned by another friend, to all the hip club nights, and hopefully to the Mermaid Parade in Coney Island... I'm really hoping he falls in love with NYC. He has never been there in the warmer weather - he has only seen it in winter!
I'm not mentioning to him that when we live there we will not be at the hip clubs and on sail boats and in the Hamptons every week - LOL!!!
I'm so happy to be going back to MY people.