Sadly NY really has huge swings like this. You may still see snow before the end of the month/first two weeks of May. I'm sat in my cosy fleece dressing gown because there is no insulation in our house and it just always freezing. But when it heats up because they insulated the loft so well it turns into a sauna.
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Yeah, we've noticed.
The official "last frost" date is May 15.
Yikes on the insulation! Any chance you can get a small portable air conditioner and set it in a window?
I'm still putting plants out in the garden today, but only in spots where I can throw a cover over them. I have a blackberry and a raspberry plant that came as bare-root, but they've leafed out so they need to get planted ASAP. Same with the rosebush.
And I absolutely have to get the poppy seeds in before it's too late for them.
I scraped most of the wood-chip mulch off the garlic last Monday, but it can handle both heat and down to 20F with no probs. I also dug trenches and buried chicken-wire fencing (or the bottom of it), several inches below soil surface for 70 linear feet. Need to get back over and do the final 30 feet and build the gate. (Amazing what you can do with bamboo plant stakes and chickenwire!). After that point it'll be a ~little~ more secure from the things that have been forcing their way under it to eat the plants. Ideally I'd have put in 1/4 inch mesh fencing, but the price for it has gone through the roof. So I'll have to deal with the smaller vermin (field mice, small voles) - although this may deter larger critters. I had planned to go this morning when it was cool, but it's been a long week at work and I was tired and slept late, then had some household chores. The sun is now too bright (aka sunburn time) and it's got a "real feel" temp of 86F, so I'm waiting until closer to dusk. If I just get the bushes planted, it'll be enough. But finishing at least the trench would be better. Will have to see how I hold up - I am ~not~ used to digging ditches!
Tomorrow will be in the 60Fs and great for planting and grilling - we have a nice heap of chicken asada ready to throw on the grill.