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Topic: Has the UK Really Gotten Like This????  (Read 7215 times)

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Re: Has the UK Really Gotten Like This????
« Reply #60 on: January 31, 2009, 05:18:21 PM »

There are about 250,000 Americans living in Britain, Do they dilute the British "culture"?

Actually, seems like SB is implying that the non-white native-born Brits might.
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Re: Has the UK Really Gotten Like This????
« Reply #61 on: January 31, 2009, 05:29:13 PM »
I for one was extremely grateful when I lived in the rural southwest of England and saw both the Asian and eastern european populations increase. The economy was good then, so the jobs the 'native' British wouldn't do, the immigrants would. And, the best bit, I could find good food (not that British food wasn't good there, but I found *more* good food!).
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Re: Has the UK Really Gotten Like This????
« Reply #62 on: January 31, 2009, 05:48:50 PM »
What's a pierogie? (pardon the ignorance) I have heard of them, but never seen/had one. Not much Polish influence here in GA.

You have them! :D Try the Russian grocery on the corner of Claremont and Briarcliff Rd in Atlanta. They carry the Russian version which is as good. They have some other tasty treats too. Get in there!

In another vein of this thread, I'd just like to add that everyone I've known who's been to Warsaw (and that's quite a few) has loved it.  :)

As to the OP's original comment:  London is an international city. That's part of what makes it fantastic and part of why people choose to live there. The same can be said of many large cities around the world. In my opinion London does manage to retain it's own uniquely British qualities and that's another big part of why people love to live there. As far as race is concerned, the people you call "nonwhite British" are British. Full stop. Their culture is British culture. They contribute to making Britain authentically British.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2009, 06:07:42 PM by Tin »
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Re: Has the UK Really Gotten Like This????
« Reply #63 on: January 31, 2009, 05:56:19 PM »
Well, TBH, I didn't hear many English accents when I went to London, but that doesn't mean anything, really. I wasn't in a touristy part of town, really, but I went to loads of pubs, and I only met one or two English people working in them (again, that doesn't mean anything, it's probably just easier for many people to start off with a job like that when moving to London from another country). And I don't live in London, so don't take my word for anything!  :P

Up here where I live, there is only myself and one Polish girl who aren't natives (shoot, there aren't even many Southerners who migrate up here!) There were a lot of foreigners in the American city I lived in, and I would expect the same in a British city. London is a cosmopolitan city that, of course, draws in people from everywhere around the world, and many of them are likely to be tourists or living there temporarily for the experience of being there. I am pretty sure it would be the same in Paris or any other major European city.

Re: Has the UK Really Gotten Like This????
« Reply #64 on: January 31, 2009, 06:15:20 PM »

Quote from: contrex
There are about 250,000 Americans living in Britain, Do they dilute the British "culture"?

Actually, seems like SB is implying that the non-white native-born Brits might.

Yes, that was my point in writing that.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2009, 06:24:14 PM by contrex »

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Re: Has the UK Really Gotten Like This????
« Reply #65 on: January 31, 2009, 07:06:39 PM »

Are you gonna make your own dough or buy wrappers? And promise to post pics!

ETA: Erm, nevermind. I just remembered who I was asking. :)

Your thinking is correct :D

Re: Has the UK Really Gotten Like This????
« Reply #66 on: January 31, 2009, 07:14:18 PM »
All those folks who feel threatened by brown people had better not go to Leicester.

The Guardian reported:

Leicester heads for diversity milestone

Leicester is to become Britain's first plural city, where no ethnic group will form a majority, according to a study published today. (Sept 11 2007)

The city will become plural in 2019, researchers at the University of Manchester estimate, with Birmingham expected to follow five years later, in 2024.

The changes reflect a worldwide trend of increasing ethnic diversity, said Professor Ludi Simpson, who led the research.

"In Leicester and Birmingham the white group will remain the largest by far - though it will not account for a majority of the population as a whole," he said.

"These and most other cities are already diverse with many different ethnic minorities.

"Indeed whether the whole of Britain or its city districts are considered, there will be more cultures represented in more equal numbers than in the past."

The study is Britain's first review of city population forecasts and, according to Mr Simpson, dismisses previous claims of imminent minority white cities.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2009, 07:16:30 PM by contrex »

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Re: Has the UK Really Gotten Like This????
« Reply #67 on: January 31, 2009, 08:27:26 PM »

A polish dumpling. Heaven on earth. ;)


My kids thank the polish immigrants each time I bring home pierogies from the Polish Grocer!
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Re: Has the UK Really Gotten Like This????
« Reply #68 on: January 31, 2009, 11:54:24 PM »
Puh-leez!  ::) In any case, 500,000 "Chinese" would be considerably less than 1% of the population, and wouldn't make any difference. Where do you get these, frankly, racist ideas from?

There are about 250,000 Americans living in Britain, Do they dilute the British "culture"?

I think that the ideas you have expressed are very bigoted and profoundly ignorant. They sound like Archie Bunker on steroids.


I meant 500,000,000.  But i dont think that would make differenence to you.

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Re: Has the UK Really Gotten Like This????
« Reply #69 on: January 31, 2009, 11:57:15 PM »
England is a country of immigrants, and has been that way for long before there was a country called "England".  English culture is a culture formed by intermingling of people from other lands, not only by war, colonialism, and trade, but by migration.

This is nothing new.

ETA: I am a little surprised there are people in the US or UK who've never had peirogies.  So awesome.

This is funny. Please tell me a "white European nation that is not "a nation of immigrants" and please tell me a nonwhite nation that is.  i would really like to know your answer. It seems when it comes to white native countries all of a sudden they area a nation of immigrants.  How about Japan? has anybody said that about Japan? it is an island that was populated by the mainlanders from China way back when. But you don't regard Japan as a nation of immigrants do you?  i wonder why?  ::)

it seems that if you want to find a "racist" or a "bigot" you should look in yourselves first. I guess people think that if you love the idea of a multi racial country, while not giving a crap about the white citizens in that country, your not racist yourself. I love this double standard liberal mentality. Is this why recently i have read that impoverished white British citizens (yes, not every white British perons lives in a mansion like most liberals think) believe they are being stepped over when it comes to aid, because most the aid is going to nonwhite immigrants and/or citizens. Yea this seems fair to me, this seems like the hallmark of equality. oh but i forgot equality to you people is when nonwhites only prosper. Oh in that case yes it seems equal. A great man said once "Take the beam out of your own eye....."   I never said i didn't want nonwhites living in London, or the UK, i said immigration of whites or nonwhites should be heavily regulated so that it remains predominately native. And if native is German decedents and viking descendant and whatever, then that is the natives of the UK. It is not as if the UK was formed yesterday, i would hope if you are a native born white British, you feel a special ownership to your country because your grandpanrants farmed and developed that land, it is collectively your land. Now if someone from another country wants to live in YOUR land, fine, as long as they respect the culture, language, etc.. and don't want to change it. Cus at the end of the day all you have is your heritage and the land of your fathers. i don't know why people are trying to stamp out nationalism, it is sickening. Nationalism does not have to lead to war like it has in the past. because just like religion, nationalism can be used to further a stupid cause, as we have seen from the past wars around the world.

Little lesson for anyone that cares,  nationalism is not thinking your people and country are the best and others are crap and below you. it is thinking your contries the best and acting to better your country, while mutually respecting other countries. Now everyone has their own brains, and think differently, and you cant help that, but this is what true nationalism is.

But to say that i sound like a bigot because i have concerns over the racial make up of the UK in the present and the near future, is outrageous. I demand an apology from the member who stated that. I got news for you, you are the bigot, because you do not accept the validity of a different position than your own. And my position does not advocate harm or danger to any race. And if you actually read what i wrote, you would have seen that i am not advocating an "all-white" Britain, i just had some concerns over what was becoming of the racial make-up of the UK. that is a legitimate question and concern to have. and if you are soooo strongly want to live in a country that is majority another race, language, culture, etc.. then i urge you to move to such a country, i mean there are plenty to choose from.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2009, 12:34:21 AM by S2B EX-PAT »

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Re: Has the UK Really Gotten Like This????
« Reply #70 on: February 01, 2009, 12:07:56 AM »

Please be careful in what you are trying to say.  You too are considering a move to the UK.  If you think we should have stronger controls on immagration..then you would not be given the oppertunity to be here either.  We are made up of alsorts of nationalities.  Mainly white European.  There are other nationalities here too, same as there are in the states.  Do you have a problem with these people in the US too? 
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Re: Has the UK Really Gotten Like This????
« Reply #71 on: February 01, 2009, 12:10:07 AM »
It's not said about Japan because Japan was isolationist until after WWII.  So much so that non-Japanese were sequestered during trade and diplomatic visits to keep them from interacting with the native population.  If you don't believe me, look it up. :) Chinese and Japanese were both extremely insolar societies until relatively recently, and didn't not mingle as much as would be expected.  If Japan was settled by "Chinese way back when" (not sure if that was the case, but whatever) that doesn't make it a nation of immigrants, but a nation settled by people who moved house.  One culture wasn't interacting with another, or like in the case of a country truly built upon cultural diversity that we associate with "a country of immigrants" many cultures interacting.

It's not said about all "white" nations.  It's said about certain nations.  England (not the UK in general) was probably one of the least isolationist throughout its history.  There's archeological evidence that points to the idea that even what was thought of as immigration of conquest such as the Vikings may have actually been more about civillians settling and intermarrying.

The idea that England is home to some homogenous ethnic group is a fantasy.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2009, 12:25:35 AM by Legs Akimbo »

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Re: Has the UK Really Gotten Like This????
« Reply #72 on: February 01, 2009, 12:10:20 AM »
This is funny. Please tell me a "white European nation that is not "a nation of immigrants" and please tell me a nonwhite nation that is.

Most of the countries in the Caribbean that are former British colonies are "non-white", as you put it, but are certainly nations of immigrants- most people in those countries are descended from African slaves, indentured servants from India or China or European colonists...or very commonly a mix of some or all of those ethnic groups (I myself fall into that last category!)

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« Last Edit: February 01, 2009, 12:12:00 AM by springhaze »
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Re: Has the UK Really Gotten Like This????
« Reply #73 on: February 01, 2009, 12:45:17 AM »
It's not said about Japan because Japan was isolationist until after WWII.  So much so that non-Japanese were sequestered during trade and diplomatic visits to keep them from interacting with the native population.  If you don't believe me, look it up. :) Chinese and Japanese were both extremely insolar societies until relatively recently, and didn't not mingle as much as would be expected.  If Japan was settled by "Chinese way back when" (not sure if that was the case, but whatever) that doesn't make it a nation of immigrants, but a nation settled by people who moved house.  One culture wasn't interacting with another, or like in the case of a country truly built upon cultural diversity that we associate with "a country of immigrants" many cultures interacting.

It's not said about all "white" nations.  It's said about certain nations.  England (not the UK in general) was probably one of the least isolationist throughout its history.  There's archeological evidence that points to the idea that even what was thought of as immigration of conquest such as the Vikings may have actually been more about civillians settling and intermarrying.

The idea that England is home to some homogenous ethnic group is a fantasy.

So what if they were isolated until WWII, those people living on the island came from somewhere some time, just like the germans and the normans and the vikings came to the island of england. So where is the cut-off date to be considered a nation of immigrants? Oh yea, also there was culture mixture among the Japanese, how do you think buddism, and doism got into Japan? and these reilgons are older that WWII.

LOL, in this logic the whole world is a nation of immigrants except for Africa, becuase we all migrated from Africa right? 
« Last Edit: February 01, 2009, 12:47:35 AM by S2B EX-PAT »

Re: Has the UK Really Gotten Like This????
« Reply #74 on: February 01, 2009, 12:54:33 AM »

So what if they were isolated until WWII, those people living on the island came from somewhere some time, just like the germans and the normans and the vikings came to the island of england. So where is the cut-off date to be considered a nation of immigrants?

LOL, in this logic the whole world is a nation of immigrants expept for Africa, becuase we all came from Africa right? 

If what you are claiming happened (Chinese people moved to Japan, settled, and created separate country) happened, that's not immigration.  That's members of a single country moving postcodes and then losing contact with the old neighbourhood.

You don't need to go back thousands of years to see immigration in England.  It's happened since people lived here, but it's been pretty much ongoing.   People who want to "preserve English culture" are usually talking about preserving an idea about a brief period of time in the UK (and a romanticised idea about that time as well).

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