This was at JFK airport in New York. I was going to travel to Heathrow airport.
I even offered for my parents to talk to him before I went. My mom did not want have anything to do with him and loathes him. Ever since I started talking to him, she had always said, "Why can't you date a guy more local? He could be setting a trap! You don't know him well enough. His family could be in on it."
I will try to find a way to go, but I have little hope left. The thing that kills me is that once, a girl that my boyfriend had met on the internet stood him up. He said that he was waiting at the airport for a long time, before he finally figured that she was not coming. He told his parents that the girl was not coming, and it made him feel like an idiot. I messaged him as soon as I got home from NY. He figured that something like this was going to happen.