IA: Aer Lingus' potential strike on Tuesday has me completely stressed out. There are a lot of things scheduled for the end of the week that we couldn't risk not getting on a flight before Friday. Not to mention, my sister and BIL are coming to pick us up and it's not right around the corner, so I don't want to inconvenience them with different days. DH wanted to wait it out, but I was really nervous that as soon as they announce that flights are going to be cancelled there would be a mad rush to change flights and we'd be screwed.
UP: DH relented and we've managed to get on the Monday evening flight. We'll stay in a hotel Monday night and they'll pick us up on Tuesday as they previously planned. We were scheduled to arrive at 1:15pm, so we won't have to wait around too long at the hotel.
IA: I had to call since we're travelling with our cat and she was previously booked on our same flight. I was on hold for-ever! The guy I finally spoke to was a bit cagey about what to do with her. He said there are no other pets booked on that flight and there's room, so we should just show up with the cat at the airport.
UP: I called back to have peace of mind and what are the odds, but I got the SAME GUY! Ugh! But, he reassured me that it will be fine. He said the main thing is that there is room and there is, so it should be fine. I feel a bit better, but not 100%.
Potential IA/UP: Getting a hotel room that accepts pets and finding a place close by that sells cat litter.